if i cant see then be as it be. i am still me. we are still us. in that you can trust. i dont know what this is or how this fits. i dont know what goes next or whats to confess. its beyond my belief & a realease i cant complete. is it defeat if i stop or the key. how much to move. what feeling i can sooth. to prove something positive that appears clearly destructive. & try to be constructive when i feel like this is what im stuck with. its an under & an over. its a quickness that moves slower. its the sober feeling in dealing with the fear. the fear of falling further from my all. the one thing i truly want. the taunt that keeps taunting & the haunt that keeps haunting. love...
it's nothing more than this. the true feelings of bliss. hand in hand it can't be missed. with the magic of a first kiss, its impossible...
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talents in balance remix
with ten tickles my tentacles tilt towards a talent that will balance bogus journeys on joyous yearnings.
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